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LEONARDO (Leonardo Sor.)
LUCAS (Sonic Flam)
LAILON (Smitth Assassin)
TULIO (Healizer)
VINICIUS (Thee Portactor)
JOAQUIN (Assassin Skumit)
HUGO (Domaz Skaa)
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BR PK team and CBM team (2005-2010)
BR PK team and CBM team (2005-2010)



Por vários anos, mais precisamente de 2005 a 2010, dois times PK em saphira matavam separadamente. Um desses times era conhecido como ''BR PK TEAM'', formado por alguns membros de uma antiga guild neutral (Old Order of Banor), em seus noob chars, maioria mages em torno de lvl 35. O time era liderado por Tulio e Rodrigo e ambos sempre estiveram pklizando juntos. Mesmo que todo o time estivesse offline, iam apenas os dois matar players em saphira. No YouTube, existem dois videos gravados pelo BR PK TEAM Part1 e Part2.

Outro PK team presente em saphira durante esse período, era conhecido como CBM Team. O time era formado, em sua maioria, por um grupo de amigos que moravam no mesmo prédio e durante as madrugadas logavam para caçar bots ou noobs em caves de área free account. O CBM Team era formado pelos seguintes jogadores: Leonardo, Osório, Benito, Icaro, Lailon e mais alguns outros que pouco jogaram. O level médio dos jogadores era 20, com algumas exceções que também possuiam SD chars.

Em janeiro de 2010, Leonardo criou uma guild para o CBM Team, chamada Negative Energy. A guild ficou ativa durante duas semanas, porém o desinteresse em manter tal guild e a inatividade dos membros fez com que a guild fosse deletada por falta de vice leaders.

A maior parte dos chars que morreram nessa época sequer existem mais, resultado de violentas mortes sofridas. 


Esse é um pequeno resumo dos dois times que juntos deram início a um novo time e guild: Nightmare Demonic.




For several years, more precisely from 2005 to 2010, two teams PK in Saphira used to kill separately. One of those teams was known as '' BR PK TEAM '', formed by some members of an ancient neutral guild (Old Order of Banor) in their characters noob, most mages around lvl 35. The team was led by Tulio and Rodrigo and both were always PK together, even if the whole team was offline, would only they two kill  players in saphira. On YouTube, there are two videos recorded by BR PK TEAM Part1 and Part2.

Other PK team present in saphira during this period was known as CBM Team. The team was formed, mostly by a group of friends who lived in the same building and during the early morning log to hunt bots or noobs free account in caves. The CBM Team was formed by the following players: Leonardo, Osorio, Benito, Icaro, Lailon and some others that just played a little. The average level of the players was 20, with some exceptions that also possessed SD chars.

In January 2010, Leonardo created a guild for CBM Team, called Negative Energy. The guild was active for two weeks, but the lack of interest in keeping such guild and the inactivity of the members made the guild  deletetion for lack of deputy leaders.

Most of the chars that died at this time do not even exist anymore, the result of violent deaths.


This is a short summary of the two teams that together started a new team and guild: Nightmare Demonic.